The Red Bird Story Pt.1

The Red Bird Story Pt. 1
My mother transitioned to heaven September 24, 2004, one week after her 78th birthday. I was a grown woman, 57 years old. But I thought I would die, too. Unresolved grief had already taken a physical toll on my body. My husband and family were concerned that I would fall into a pit of depression. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t locate the joy that I once had. My smile had deserted me a year before she left. All that remained was pain. I missed her so much. As I sat in my family room having one of those “missing mama” days, I began to cry and to pray.
I said “Father, I know my mother is at perfect peace with you. I understand that she is free of all cancer, pain and all the cares of this world. that she lived a good life, and that she is your daughter. I know that You called her home to be with you. Yet, my eyes long to see her beautiful face, and my ears ache to hear her angelic voice. I beseech you to help me through this storm.”
On this particular day, I reminded God that my mother’s favorite bird was the red bird. After my father died, a beautiful crimson colored bird started visiting my mother. He would chirp and flounce around to get her attention. It seemed as though he wanted her to be certain that he was there as her gift from God. Mama would share stories of red bird sightings and encounters. She said he always seemed to appear when she was having troubles and going through dark times. She believed it was God’s way of comforting her and reminding her that He is always with her and that everything is in Divine Order.
You’re truly walking in your purpose! Thank You for being obedient to Gods plan for your life!