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Focus Forward

Posted on January 1, 2014 in Blog |

It is a time to relinquish any notions of lack, and a time to embrace abundance, and a re-birthing of gifts, and a renewal of faith in God and in ourselves.


We are at the dawn of a new year…a time to reflect on the past, and shift toward newness in our lives.  You know, out with the old and in with the new.

Maya Angelou said, “Take a day to heal from the lies that you’ve told yourself and the ones that have been told to you.” My family, my friends, today is the day that you begin to heal from all the untruths in your life.  You are a powerful force. Focus forward, not backward.  Look up, not down.


May you step out of the darkness into the light;  May you find joy and peace as you commit to live on purpose…step out on faith…and know that God has your back.

This year and forever more, may you profess only the truth of who you really are!

Declare silently in your heart and loudly to your world:  I am love.  I am a child of the Most High God.  I am whole.  I am healthy and prosperous.  I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  I am capable.  I am forgiving and therefore I am forgiven.

I am the peace, the joy, and the blessings that I have been waiting and praying for.  God loves me just as I am, and so do I.

Happy Newness to you in 2014 from my heart to yours!

Mrs. C